Saturday 25 April 2015

Aan karan mazdooree hoo

Fajreen wele uth savele,
Aan karan mazdooree hoo.
Kaanvaan illaan hiksee gallaan,
Treejee ralee chandooree hoo.
Maaran cheekhaan karan mushaqqat,
Put put kadh angooree hoo.
Saaree umar pitendiaan guzree,
Kadee na paeeaa pooree hoo.
They rise early; they get to their work fast:
Like crows and vultures they create a racket-
Reading their sermons like the mimicking chandoor.*
They spend their lives like this-
Talking gibberish, shooting prayers into the air
And distorting the message of the scriptures-
Because their hearts are never moved by God’s love.
(Chandoor or chandol is a mimicking bird. It imitates sounds, including spoken words – obviously without knowing their meaning, in much the same manner as priests recite and quote the words of Saints without realizing their underlying message)

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