Tuesday 28 April 2015

Godarheeaan wich laal jinhaan dee, Raateen jaagon addheeaan hoo.

Godarheeaan wich laal jinhaan dee,
Raateen jaagon addheeaan hoo.
Sik maahee dee tikan na dendee,
Lokeen dende badeeaan hoo.
Andar meraa Haqq tapaaiaa,
Khaleeaan raateen kaddhiaan hoo.
Tan theen maas alaihdaa hoiaa,
Sookh jhulaare haddeeaan hoo.
People with rubies in their ragged bundles*
Wake up in the dead of night to meditate on Kalma.
Their intense longing to meet the Beloved Permits them no rest,
While the ignorant hurl abuse at them.
Many nights have I stood in prayer and supplication;
My heart burns in the fire of longing for the Lord.
My grief has soaked up my blood And shrivelled my loosened skin,
Making my bones rattle in this skeletal frame-
Such is the depth of my separation from the Beloved!
(Rubies in a ragged bundle is an expression meaning a person outwardly poor but gifted with rich inner qualities. Rubies, in the present case, signifies Kalma within the ragged bundle of the body)

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