Tuesday 28 April 2015

Murshid baajhon faqar kamaave, Wich kufar de budde hoo.

Murshid baajhon faqar kamaave,
Wich kufar de budde hoo.
Sheikh mushaaikh ho baihnde hujre,
Ghaus-qutab ban udde hoo.
Raat andhaaree mushkil paindaa,
Sai sai aavan thudde hoo.
Tasbeehaan napp baihan maseetee,
Jion moosh bahe varh khudde hoo.
If someone practises devotion without a Master,
He will drown himself in the mire of atheism.
He will drown himself up as a sheikh in a mosque
Or acquire other religious titles to boost his ego.
Little does the poor fellow realize That the night is dark,
the path steep, And the journey is plagued with untold pitfalls.
With a rosary in hand he may sit in his cell
Like a mouse, sticking his head out of his hole.

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