Tuesday 28 April 2015

Nit asaade khalle khaandee, Ehaa duneeaa zishtee hoo.

Nit asaade khalle khaandee,
Ehaa duneeaa zishtee hoo.

Jainde kaaran baih baih rovan,
Sheikh, mushaaikh, Chishtee hoo.

Jinhaan andar hubb duneeaa dee,
Gharq unhaan dee kishtee hoo.

Tark duneeaa dee kar toon Baahoo,
Khaasaa raah bahishtee hoo.

This foul, ugly world For which priests and leaders of religion shed tears
Is rebuffed and rebuked by the lovers of God.
If you are ambitious for the world,
You will drown midstream in the ocean of life.
Let us renounce the world, O Bahu,
And adopt the invaluable path to God.

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