Tuesday 28 April 2015

Hor dawaa na dil dee kaaree, Kalmaa dil daa kaaree hoo.

Hor dawaa na dil dee kaaree,
Kalmaa dil daa kaaree hoo.
Kalma door zangaar karendaa,
Kalme mail utaaree hoo.
Kalmaa heere, laal, jawaahar,
Kalmaa hatt pasaaree hoo.
Ethe othe doheen jahaaneen,
Kalmaa daulat saree hoo.
Kalma cures the ailment of the heart-
No other medicine works.
Kalma removes all rust from the mind;
Kalma washes all stains form the soul.
Kalma is more precious than diamonds and rubies.
Kalma is the alchemist’s shop, O Bahu;
Kalma is real wealth in this world and the next.

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