Tuesday 28 April 2015

Na Rabb arsh mu-alla utte, Na Rabb khaavve Kaabe hoo.

Na Rabb arsh mu-alla utte,
Na Rabb khaavve Kaabe hoo.

Na Rabb ilm kitaabeen labbhaa,
Na Rabb wich maihraabe hoo.

Ganga teerath mool na miliaa,
Painde be-hisaabe hoo.

Jad daa murshid pharhiaa Baahoo,
Chhutte sab aazaabe hoo.


God doesn’t live in the highest heaven,
Nor can he be found in the holy shrine of Ka’ba.
No one ever found him through learning
Or by knowing the scriptures.
I never met him through bathing in holy waters-
I roamed far and wide in a fruitless search.
But I was rid of all my despair and anguish
When I put myself in my Master’s hands, O Bahu.

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