Friday 31 October 2014

Dardmandaan de dhooen dhukhde

Dardmandaan de dhooen dhukhde,
Dardaa koee na seke hoo.
Ehnaan dhooiaan de taa tikhere,
Maihram hoe taan seke hoo.
Chhik shamsheer kharhaa hai sir te,
Taras pavas taan theke hoo.
Sauhre kurhee-e apne vanjanaa,
Sadaa na raihanaa peke hoo.
The hearts of lovers burn in the fire of longing-
No one dare sit by its searing flames!
This fire is sorching- Only someone who knows the heart’s inner secrets
Will warm himself by it.
Death stands over your head, with his sword drawn-
May the Master take pity and sheathe death’s blade!*
Every bride must eventually go to her bridegroom’s home-
She cannot stay forever in her parents’ house.**
(Only a Master, through his grace, can sheathe the sword of death and bestow immortality).
(In India, the bride traditionally moves into the bridegroom’s home on the wedding day. In Bahu’s metaphor, the soul is the bride which must, on her wedding day, accompany death (the bridegroom) from this world, which she has wrongly come to consider as her own home).

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