Friday 31 October 2014

Khaam keeh jaanan saar faqar dee

Khaam keeh jaanan saar faqar dee,
Maihram naaheen dil de hoo.
Aab mittee theen paidaa hoe,
Khaamee bhaande gil de hoo.
Qadar keeh jaanan laal jawaahar,
Ho saudaagar bil de hoo.
So eemaan salaamat vaisan,
Bhajj faqeeraan milde hoo.
The uninitiated have no inkling Of the mystic way of life –
They know not the secrets of the heart.
They are always brittle and frail –
Like unbaked pots of clay.
Or they can be compared to glass merchants
Who know nothing Of the worth of rubies and diamonds.
Only ardent seekers of the company of mystics
Will remain steadfast in their faith.

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