Ishq maahee de laaeeaan
Laggee kaun bujhaave hoo.
Laggee kaun bujhaave hoo.
Main keeh jaanaan zaat
jo Dar dar chaa jhukaave hoo.
jo Dar dar chaa jhukaave hoo.
Na saunven na sauvan
Suttiaan aan jagaave hoo.
Suttiaan aan jagaave hoo.
Main qurbaan haan usde
Vichhrhe yaar milaave hoo.
Vichhrhe yaar milaave hoo.
My heart is ablaze with the fire of
Who will quench the flames?
Who will quench the flames?
How was I to know what this love was
It has made me bow my head at every doorstep.
It has made me bow my head at every doorstep.
It is always awake, and it always
keeps me awake;
It doesn’t allow me a wink of sleep.
It doesn’t allow me a wink of sleep.
O Bahu, I sacrifice myself to
Who will reunite me with my long-separated Friend.
Who will reunite me with my long-separated Friend.
Ishq muazzin dittiaan
Kanneen sad peeose hoo.
Kanneen sad peeose hoo.
Khoon jigar daa kadh
Wuzoo paakh sezeeose hoo.
Wuzoo paakh sezeeose hoo.
Sun taqbeer fanai walee,
Murhan muhaal theeose hoo.
Murhan muhaal theeose hoo.
Parh takbeer theeose waasil,
Taaheen shukr keetose hoo.
Taaheen shukr keetose hoo.
When love gave the call to prayer,
My heart responded:
My heart responded:
I purified myself-I performed my
With the blood of my heart!
With the blood of my heart!
When the cry “God is great” inspired
To merge in that great Lord,
I found my heart unwilling to turn back.
To merge in that great Lord,
I found my heart unwilling to turn back.
When I myself proclaimed Allah’s
I merged in him and thanked him
For relieving me of my long suffering.
(Wuzoo refers to the Muslim practise of cleaning oneself by washing on’es face, hands and feet with water before namaaz, the ritual prayer)
I merged in him and thanked him
For relieving me of my long suffering.
(Wuzoo refers to the Muslim practise of cleaning oneself by washing on’es face, hands and feet with water before namaaz, the ritual prayer)
Aqal fikar dee jaa na
Jit wahadat sirr subhaanee hoo.
Jit wahadat sirr subhaanee hoo.
Na uth mullaan pandit
Na uth ilm Quraanee hoo.
Na uth ilm Quraanee hoo.
Jad Aihmad aihad
wikhaalee dittaa,
Taan kul hove faanee hoo.
Taan kul hove faanee hoo.
Ilm tamaam keetone
Thapp kitaab asmaanee hoo.
Thapp kitaab asmaanee hoo.
Intellect and wisdom find no
Where the secrets of unity in God are revealed.
Where the secrets of unity in God are revealed.
Priests are no help there
Nor is any knowledge of the scriptures.
Nor is any knowledge of the scriptures.
You can only merge your self in the
Absolute When the Master reveals the divine secret.
Absolute When the Master reveals the divine secret.
You can only acquire ultimate
knowledge of God
After you put away the scriptures.
After you put away the scriptures.
Ilmon baajh je faqar
Kaafir mare deewaanaa hoo.
Kaafir mare deewaanaa hoo.
Sai variaan dee kare
Allaah theen begaanaa hoo.
Allaah theen begaanaa hoo.
Ghaflat theen na khulsan
Dil jaahil butkhaanaa hoo.
Dil jaahil butkhaanaa hoo.
Main qurbaan tinhaan
jinhaan Miliaa yaar yagaanaa hoo.
jinhaan Miliaa yaar yagaanaa hoo.
If you meditate on God without
You wll die faithless and lost.
You wll die faithless and lost.
Even if you worship like this for
hundreds of years,
You would still be unfamiliar with God.
You would still be unfamiliar with God.
The veil will not be lifted without
knowledge of the Way-
The heart will stay dark like a house of idols.
The heart will stay dark like a house of idols.
I sacrifice myself to anyone, O
Who has found the Master without peer.
Who has found the Master without peer.
Raah faqar daa tad
Jad hath pharheeosee kaasaa hoo.
Jad hath pharheeosee kaasaa hoo.
Tark duneeaa ton tad
Jad faqeer miliosee khaasaa hoo.
Jad faqeer miliosee khaasaa hoo.
Dariaa wahadat nosh
Ajaan bhee jee piaasaa hoo.
Ajaan bhee jee piaasaa hoo.
Raah faqar rat hanjhoo
Lokaan bhaane haasaa hoo.
Lokaan bhaane haasaa hoo.
I found the mystic path When I held
the beggar’s bowl in hand,
Begging for the Master’s grace.
Begging for the Master’s grace.
I could only truly renounce the
After I had met my exalted Master.
After I had met my exalted Master.
Deep have I drunk from the ocean of
Yet my soul thirsts for more and more.
Yet my soul thirsts for more and more.
Tears of blood pave the way to God,
O Bahu!
None but the ignorant will take this lightly.
None but the ignorant will take this lightly.
Roze, nafal, namaazaan, taqwaa,
Sabbho kamm hairaanee hoo.
Sabbho kamm hairaanee hoo.
Inheen galleen Rabb
haasil naaheen,
Khud khwaanee khud daanee hoo.
Khud khwaanee khud daanee hoo.
Qadeem hamesh jalendaa
So yaar yaar na jaanee hoo.
So yaar yaar na jaanee hoo.
Virad vazeefe theen
chhut raihsee,
Baahoo hosee jad faanee hoo.
Baahoo hosee jad faanee hoo.
Fasting, prayers and rites of abstinence
Only end in confusion.
God is not found through such means;
These are all but acts of vanity and self-promotion!
These are all but acts of vanity and self-promotion!
You have failed to recognize the
Friend Who always lives within you.
Friend Who always lives within you.
You will save yourself from rites
and rituals,
O Bahu, when you lose your being in God.
O Bahu, when you lose your being in God.
Re-raihmat us ghar wich
Jitthe balde deeve hoo.
Jitthe balde deeve hoo.
Ishq hawaaee charh gaee
Kitthe jahaaz ghateeve hoo.
Kitthe jahaaz ghateeve hoo.
Aqal fikr dee berhee
noon chaa,
Paihale poor burheeve hoo.
Paihale poor burheeve hoo.
Har jaa jaanee disse
Jitwal nazar kacheeve hoo.
Jitwal nazar kacheeve hoo.
Bliss and grace reign in the heart,
That glows with the light of love.
That glows with the light of love.
The sail of love has soared to the
Leaving the ship of thought and reason.
Leaving the ship of thought and reason.
Without its motive power-sinking
On its very first attempt to cross the ocean of life.
On its very first attempt to cross the ocean of life.
From where I stand, In whatever
direction my eyes turn,
I see only my Beloved, O Bahu.
I see only my Beloved, O Bahu.
Zaahid zuhd kamaande
Roze, nafal, namaazaan hoo.
Roze, nafal, namaazaan hoo.
Aashiq gharq hoe wich
Naal muhabbat raazaan hoo.
Naal muhabbat raazaan hoo.
Makkhee qaid shahad wich
Keeh udsee sang baazaan hoo.
Keeh udsee sang baazaan hoo.
Jinhaan majlis naal
Oh saahib naaz nawaazaan hoo.
Oh saahib naaz nawaazaan hoo.
The pious tire themselves out With
austerities and fasts,
With worship and rituals, While lovers dissolve themselves
In the ocean of oneness.
With worship and rituals, While lovers dissolve themselves
In the ocean of oneness.
Through love they acquire the secret
of God!
Like a bee drowning in a jar of honey,
The worldly –minded are drowning in a jar of honey,
The worldly-minded are drowning in worldly pleasures.
Like a bee drowning in a jar of honey,
The worldly –minded are drowning in a jar of honey,
The worldly-minded are drowning in worldly pleasures.
They cannot soar to the spiritual
heights of the mystics
Any more than a bee can fly with eagles!
Any more than a bee can fly with eagles!
Those who keep company with a
Master Are honored in God’s court, blessed with God’s grace.
Master Are honored in God’s court, blessed with God’s grace.
Zabaanee kalma har koee
Dil daa kalmaa koee hoo.
Dil daa kalmaa koee hoo.
Jitthe kalmaa dil daa
Mile zabaan na dhoee hoo.
Mile zabaan na dhoee hoo.
Dil daa kalmaa aashiq
Jaanan yaar galoee hoo.
Jaanan yaar galoee hoo.
Kalmaa mainoon peer
Sadaa suhaagan hoee hoo.
Sadaa suhaagan hoee hoo.
Everyone recites the Kalma with his
Rare is the person who recites it from the heart.
Rare is the person who recites it from the heart.
When the Kalma comes from the heart,
The spoken word has no value.
The spoken word has no value.
Only mystics know this Kalma of the
What do they know, who only sing and preach?
What do they know, who only sing and preach?
My Master has taught me this secret
I am now forever united with my Lord.
I am now forever united with my Lord.
Sabaq sifaatee soee
Jo vat hain naheen zatee hoo.
Jo vat hain naheen zatee hoo.
Ilmon-ilm unhaan noon
Aslee te asbaatee hoo.
Aslee te asbaatee hoo.
Naal muhabbat nafs
Kadh qazaa dee kaatee hoo.
Kadh qazaa dee kaatee hoo.
Bahraa khaas unhaan noo
Laddhaa aab hayaatee hoo.
Laddhaa aab hayaatee hoo.
Only those who practise his true
Know how to sing God’s praises.
Know how to sing God’s praises.
They acquire through inner
The knowledge real and true!
The knowledge real and true!
Wielding the swerd of God’s will
They slay their ego with God’s love.
They slay their ego with God’s love.
Those who find the water of eternal
Acquire divine wisdom, O Bahu!
Acquire divine wisdom, O Bahu!
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